Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Seeds of Retrospection

Flashback! Rewind and fast forward every two weeks of your life fortnightly, take the juice from there and you’re sure to have the best fruit punch in no time to share with the world. So what’s the juice I have taken from my last 2 weeks?

Feed the side of your brain that’s starving!

A year ago I would go around telling everyone “I’m not creative! Give me an idea and I can work as hard as it takes to implement. But I cannot generate ideas!” I laugh at this statement of mine today (Proof that I could create something out of the world: design). They say creative people use the right side of their brain. I tried to tap that hemisphere of mine for a long time, but all my attempts went futile. What can I tap out of the side of my brain which I’m not feeding at all? What you SOW is what you reap.

S – See

O – Observe

W – Watch

You might say they’re all the same. I’ll elaborate here.

See every element around you like you’ve never seen it before. See more of it, and see it more often than you think is necessary.

Observe what makes it so beautiful, so eye-catching or so enticing. If it doesn’t appeal to your eye, observe why it didn’t. Think what could have been better.

Watch out for what you can create from there. Nothing gets created out of nowhere. There’s an inspiration every creative person draws from a lot of things around him.

So go ahead and start sowing. In some time you’ll have enough and more ideas than you can ever implement.

Feedback on this small write up of mine is most welcome!

Shruti Balasa

Chief Web Designer, IU Web Solutions.

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