I finished a chips packet the other day, walking on the road
and searched for a dustbin to throw the empty packet. My friend suggested – “Just
throw it in the corner. Anyway so much waste is dumped there”. So much
waste being dumped there already was exactly the reason for me NOT to throw the
packet too!
My little cousin served extra food the other day at a
function and wasted the whole thing. What was worse? His aunt telling his
mother – “He’s still a kid. It’s okay!” Really? Isn’t that exactly the
reason why they should teach him not to waste food?
I was sharing with my uncle few days ago that a few
volunteers of IUY2C went to a government school and taught about a 500
students, basics of hygiene and my uncle says “You can do that in one or two
schools. How will that make a difference? There are thousands of government
schools in the country” Thousands of government schools being there is
exactly the reason we have started approaching scores of them!

It’s interesting to know how people think that the ‘little’
negative contribution of theirs (AND the ‘little’ positive contribution of
others) doesn’t really make a difference. It’s like asking a drop of water how
important it is, like asking a grain of rice if it can fulfill your hunger,
like challenging a speck of dust to create pollution, like wondering how one
electron can generate electricity. Each drop of water, each grain of rice, every
dust particle and every electron matters! So does every small action of any
person on earth – negative or positive!
I know you got the point. So, next time don’t step back when
you have the smallest of chances to do a good deed. It might be as small as
turning of lights in your house/office when you aren’t using, pushing someone
not to waste food, carrying empty food packets or chocolate wrappers in your
bag till your find a dustbin to drop them, sharing positive news with friends over
tea rather than talking about who got murdered or robbed and so on.
At the same time, please be watchful of not discouraging
someone who’s already doing his/her bit. Even small phrases like – “Showing of
eh?!”, “Big deal dude!”, “What’s wrong with you?”, “Chalta hai yaar” can
discourage. It doesn’t hurt to say “Good job”, “I really appreciate what you
did”, “You just inspired me” or at least pat on the back!
I just tried doing my bit today, by writing this piece of
article not knowing how many people this would impact. But I sure know IT
MATTERS! Now if you’re thinking whether your comment on this or sharing this
link would really make a difference, you don’t need to think again :) IT