Tuesday, August 11, 2009

There’s more…….Lots more in YOU!!!

It’s been a really long time since I blogged. Somewhere I felt I do not have much time to actually sit down and create a blog. That’s where I was wrong. It’s a general mindset that any human can do only a certain amount of work in a day. Once a person reaches a saturation feeling that enough is done for the day, complacency sets in! (I’m sure many of you can relate to this).

When this happens to me, I just recall a statement said by one of my leaders. It goes something like this -- “Looking back into your past creates complacency while looking forward into your dreams creates URGENCY”. Damn! Then I suddenly realize “I’ve achieved almost nothing compared to what I really want to and have to”. This is when I can push myself harder and harder and harder…! Just question yourself every second “Is this all I can do?” and the true answer you get from your inner voice is, “NO! You can do MORE”.

They say that time expands for those people who know how to squeeze every single second of their life pushing themselves closer to their dreams. Yes! EVERY SINGLE SECOND!! By the end of the day just introspect and ask yourself if you have harnessed your true potential. There’s definitely a lot ‘hidden’ in us. The only question is, “Are we ready to play the toughest ‘hide and seek’?!” Just GO ahead, BREAK all the mental barriers, FORGET the couch at home and FACE the heat of the sun!

Trust me my dear friends, there’s always more to what we are doing and there’s always better way of doing what we are doing. While writing this also I know that I can write more and in a better way!! Hence I would love to improve. So please keep the comments flowing in.


  1. I completly agree with you dear,and i remember one quote which was said by our leader,it goes this way" if you want to shine like a sun you need to first burn like a sun".

  2. “Looking back into your past creates complacency while looking forward into your dreams creates URGENCY”.

    Strikes you every time you read it. Strikes me, at least!

  3. A very true statement and i hope, “Is this all I can do?”, strikes me everytime....
