Friday, March 2, 2012

Organize your Workspace to Organize your Work.

Have a PC or a laptop? You download a document or transfer a photo to your system, and where do you first place it? “Ah for now, let me put it on my desktop, I’ll move it later!” And it remains on the desktop till the number of icons on the desktop makes you go crazy! Then you make a folder ‘Desktop files’ or if you are like me ‘Others’. And then comes a crucial time when you need ‘that very file’ and “Oh God! Where did it go? I have 5 – 6 folders by name Desktop Files!” I’m sure you can empathize with the above situation. So what do you do?

  1. Get organized from Day 1. (Don’t get disheartened if you’ve already been disorganized. It’s still not too late. :) )
  2. Trust me, doesn’t take too much time to keep your system neat and organized (I agree my room is not clean enough, but my laptop definitely is)

Let me first introduce you to the culprits who make you lose files – or rather keep them so safe that you yourself can’t find! Meet them here

  • Downloads – You quickly download something and put it on your desktop, or you open it directly from downloads folder and it remains there forever.
    How to avoid this? If you’re using Firefox browser, the default setting is to save the downloaded files to ‘downloads’ folder. Change it to “Always ask me where to save files (Firefox menu -> ‘Options’ -> ‘Options’ -> ‘General’ tab is where you’ll find this setting)
    For Chrome – Chrome Menu -> ‘Options’ -> ‘Under the hood’ -> ‘Downloads’ -> ‘
    Ask where to save each file before downloading’ and so on for other browsers. Now when it asks you each time you download, kindly do not choose desktop, create a folder if need be and dump it there. A stich in time saves nine remember?
    Not to forget to rename the file to something that makes sense to you while saving it. If you’re downloading too many softwares, you’d usually install them right away and forget what they were named or where you saved them. Maintain a ‘Softwares’ folder and remember to download every single software into this folder and rename them. Trust me, your friend or colleague might ask you for the same software and they’d be impressed at your speed of finding them
  • Files transferred from a pen drive or external hard disk – General tendency yet again is to put it on the desktop. Be cautious. Choose a relevant folder or create one. You’ll love yourself for it another day!
  • Word documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations or any newly created file – Here, apart from choosing the right folder, it’s equally important to name the file correctly instead of naming it ‘New’, ‘Sample’ or leave it ‘Untitled’.
  • Photos and videos – B drive, C drive, D drive, E and F also may be, will contain at least one photo, or worse even, contain a folder ‘Photos’ each. Best way to solve this is to keep each drive for a different purpose. One entirely for college/office or anything related to college/office (Yes, even if they are your photos with college-mates) Another folder – completely personal – which has nothing to do with college or office.
This should do, for a start. One tip to conclude – The best way to compel yourself to keep your desktop clean is to put a desktop wallpaper (Stretch) so beautiful that you wouldn’t like to dirty it with icons and icons all over. I suggest a photo of someone you admire…. Could be yourself as well! So here’s me, wishing you luck! Do let me know in your comments if this helped. If you can catch hold of few more culprits, do pour in your thoughts. :)


  1. Though this is a routine thing that I do. never realised. Well yes, a lot of times have lost time in searching files. Nothing could have guided or made a person realise the importance of keeping the desktop clean better than this. Brilliant one indeed.

    Loved the tip what you have given at the end of this blog. :)

    Thank you so much for this.. Keep blogging. People are indeed in need of many wake up calls in their lives, which they never realise until some one screams "WAKE UP".:)

    Good luck dear!
    Preethi Kashyap

  2. A very nice article for beginners as well as pro computer users...This happens in our day to day life...I suggest an advancement to your idea of clutter free Desktop...whenever you install a software whether it's winamp or Nero or anything else, there is a chechbox which says 'create an icon on desktop'(In many of the softwares,it is checked by default). Here we have to understand our usage pattern i.e. If I create a shortcut of winamp(an audio-video program) what are the chances that I will open it first and then I will select a song to listen..almost nil..I am pretty sure that no computer user will ever do that..what we do...My computer-->Disk C--> audio folder and we select a song and play it. So what does that shortcut link of that software make sense..same with other audio-video players like vlc and Media player classic or say nero...During my initial encounters with computers I had very tough time with those useless icons(wayback in 2003)..and as soon as learnt little more I promised myself an icon free desktop...In windows after using it for more than 7years I can tell there is no use of a shortcut or an icon on desktop...whatever you want is available in "All Programs". For files(strictly temporary and copied,which you will delete within hrs) you can always use desktop but for softwares/programs..naah..!!! never..!!

    Keep it up Shruti Balasa...A very nice article...

  3. Thank you Rutvik! You've added on an amazing input. I had missed mentioning this one. Very true! Must follow...

  4. What CAN I SAY...? Got slapped tight.. :) Too well written... In least time...

  5. Useful content, very structured, well written! Time management- even on the laptop/desktop- tips are always welcome, for ppl who wish for extra hours!

  6. Good writing style. Fast paced and feels like talking face to face.

  7. Random thought for a write up! :) tooo good :)
    ya, to add up, many will be wondering as to why their system is running slow, the reason is simple- more the icons on the desktop, more will be the pressure on the C drive, which actually brings down the speed!

    indeed a great thought for a blog! had realized this, but never thought it could be shared soo well :)

    Hi5!!! :)
